# Abp.VerificationCode
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An ABP module to generate and verify verification codes.
# Installation
Install the following NuGet packages. (see how (opens new window))
- EasyAbp.Abp.VerificationCode
- (Optional) EasyAbp.Abp.VerificationCode.Identity
attribute to configure the module dependencies. (see how (opens new window))
# Usage
# Generate and Validate
Generate a verification code.
var verificationCodeManager = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IVerificationCodeManager>(); var code = await verificationCodeManager.GenerateAsync( codeCacheKey: $"DangerousOperationPhoneVerification:{phoneNumber}", codeCacheLifespan: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3), configuration: new VerificationCodeConfiguration()); await _smsSender.SendAsync(new SmsMessage(phoneNumber, $"Your code is: {code}")); // you can also use the EasyAbp.NotificationService module and send the code to users.
Validate a verification code.
var verificationCodeManager = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IVerificationCodeManager>(); var result = await verificationCodeManager.ValidateAsync( codeCacheKey: $"DangerousOperationPhoneVerification:{phoneNumber}", verificationCode: code, configuration: new VerificationCodeConfiguration());
# Use as UserManager Token Providers
Please install the EasyAbp.Abp.VerificationCode.Identity
module, it registers the token providers that uses IVerificationCodeManager
(see (opens new window)). And you can replace the DefaultIdentityVerificationCodeConfigurationProvider (opens new window) to customize the verification code generation rules.
# Q&A
# How to Change the Code Generation Strategy
You can instantiate a custom VerificationCodeConfiguration (opens new window), for example:
var configuration = new VerificationCodeConfiguration(
length: 6,
chars: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
equivalentCharsMaps: new Dictionary<char, IEnumerable<char>>
{'0', new[] {'o', 'O'}},
{'1', new[] {'l', 'L'}},
}); // "oL2345" will also be verified if the correct code is "012345"
# Road map