# PrivateMessaging
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An abp application module that allows users to send private messages to each other.
# Online Demo
We have launched an online demo for this module: https://pm.samples.easyabp.io (opens new window)
# Installation
Install the following NuGet packages. (see how (opens new window))
- EasyAbp.PrivateMessaging.Application
- EasyAbp.PrivateMessaging.Application.Contracts
- EasyAbp.PrivateMessaging.Domain
- EasyAbp.PrivateMessaging.Domain.Shared
- EasyAbp.PrivateMessaging.EntityFrameworkCore
- EasyAbp.PrivateMessaging.HttpApi
- EasyAbp.PrivateMessaging.HttpApi.Client
- (Optional) EasyAbp.PrivateMessaging.MongoDB
- (Optional) EasyAbp.PrivateMessaging.Web
attribute to configure the module dependencies. (see how (opens new window))Add
to theOnModelCreating()
method in MyProjectMigrationsDbContext.cs.Add EF Core migrations and update your database. See: ABP document (opens new window).
# Usage
Add permissions to the roles you want.
Enjoy this wonderful module.
# Roadmap
- [ ] Add more configurations.
- [ ] Use MongoDB to provide new message notifications.
- [ ] Support Angular UI.
- [ ] Unit tests.