# ReviewManagement

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An abp application module that provides general user review service. For example, a user can review a product he has bought with text, pictures and star-rating.

# Online Demo

We have launched an online demo for this module: https://review.samples.easyabp.io (opens new window)

# Installation

  1. Install the following NuGet packages. (see how (opens new window))

    • EasyAbp.ReviewManagement.Application
    • EasyAbp.ReviewManagement.Application.Contracts
    • EasyAbp.ReviewManagement.Domain
    • EasyAbp.ReviewManagement.Domain.Shared
    • EasyAbp.ReviewManagement.EntityFrameworkCore
    • EasyAbp.ReviewManagement.HttpApi
    • EasyAbp.ReviewManagement.HttpApi.Client
    • (Optional) EasyAbp.ReviewManagement.MongoDB
    • (Optional) EasyAbp.ReviewManagement.Web
  2. Add DependsOn(typeof(ReviewManagementXxxModule)) attribute to configure the module dependencies. (see how (opens new window))

  3. Add builder.ConfigureReviewManagement(); to the OnModelCreating() method in MyProjectMigrationsDbContext.cs.

  4. Add EF Core migrations and update your database. See: ABP document (opens new window).

# Usage

  1. Add permissions to the roles you want.

  2. Create authorization handlers for a type of entity that needs user's reviews. (see the product entity review creation authorization handler sample (opens new window))

  3. Try to create a review.

Reviews Creation

# Road map

  • [ ] More friendly UI.
  • [ ] Unit tests.
Last Updated: 8/26/2022, 9:14:33 AM