# Abp.TagHelperPlus
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An Abp MVC UI tag-helper enhancement module to enhance ABP built-in tag-helpers and provide new tag-helpers such as rich text editor, advanced selector, and more.
# Online Demo
We have launched an online demo for this module: https://taghelper.samples.easyabp.io (opens new window)
# Installation
Install the following NuGet packages. (see how (opens new window))
- EasyAbp.Abp.TagHelperPlus
attribute to configure the module dependencies. (see how (opens new window))
# Features
# EasySelector
Improve the abp-select to support paged items and search.
- Use abp-dynamic-form: demo (opens new window).
- Use in modal: demo (opens new window).
- Use on page: demo (opens new window).
- Use abp-select: demo (opens new window).
# Road map
- [x] Easy Selector
- [x] Support abp-select
- [ ] Items sorter
- [ ] Rich text editor